Building Block

Supplying over 250 UK schools, universities and colleges with essential telecom solutions for education

In this ever-evolving digital landscape, it is essential that any organisation is built upon robust and reliable technology, and this is especially crucial for the education sector.

From sturdy connectivity to productivity-enhancing tools, your ability to offer stronger, safer, more streamlined experiences lies within the telecoms solutions you choose.

With over two decades in the field, Daisy Communications have a wealth of experience in implementing the best telecom solutions for education institutions across the UK.

Keep browsing to explore our key telecoms solutions for education below or complete our short form to speak to an advisor.

Telecom solutions for education

Take a step towards stronger, safer, more streamlined schooling with the best telecom solutions for education.

Revolutionise learning with productivity tools

Allow your teachers to focus on teaching by unleashing the power of our productivity tools for education. With these tools, you unlock the ability to simplify administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, offer diverse student experiences and ensure uninterrupted learning, even in challenging circumstances.

Talk to us about Productivity Tools


Safeguard the student experience

To enhance student experiences, bolster school security, and provide teachers and parents with peace of mind, we’re committed to helping educational institutions implement a comprehensive set of measures. These include safe access to learning resources and tools, robust data protection, customised content filtering and more.

Talk to us about Security


Enhance communications with Hosted Voice for schools

Gain access to rich and tailored systems features like IVR, Virtual Mailboxes and Safeguarding to manage high call volume efficiently, enable closer parent-teacher contact and gain greater control of your costs, ensuring seamless communication across the campus and beyond.

Discover Hosted Voice


Build your solutions on robust connectivity

Connectivity forms the bedrock of your entire tech and telecoms infrastructure, providing the stability you need to build upon. With improved and future-proof internet access, you not only reduce classroom disruptions but also create a more enriching learning experience for digital natives.

Discover Connectivity

It’s been easy to work with Daisy to get [our new phone] system set up. We saw an immediate improvement in stakeholder engagement and feedback, internal efficiencies and ongoing, actionable reporting. We’ve already been talking to other Trusts and academies about our positive experience with Daisy.

Steve Thompson Director of ICT, Accord Multi Academy Trust

Take a step towards stronger schooling

with Daisy Communications.

Why Daisy

The UK’s largest independent provider of voice, connectivity, mobile, phone system and cloud services.


We pride ourselves on our friendly UK-based customer service.


From small beginnings, we’ve now got over 20 years experience.


We look after c. 175,000 businesses across the UK.


We have an excellent 4.6 rating on Trustpilot and have over 5,000 five-star reviews