Daisy Communications ESG Strategy

Over the years, we’ve invested heavily in our Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) policy and we’ve adopted the circular economy. The circular economy is where we encourage customers to embrace the benefits of recycling old, upgraded equipment whilst upgrading to hosted solutions, further reducing their carbon footprint.

Employees are key to making our ESG strategy a success and we welcome suggestions from them in reducing energy usage and waste. We’re also aiming to get involved with ecological projects alongside the Woodland Trust and River Trust to improve local environments and habitats.

Our people will also play a huge role in our charity efforts as our plans for 2024 will see disadvantaged youths attending training sessions, learning interview techniques, and plenty more initiatives that will hopefully build their confidence, increase communication and develop their enthusiasm for future career opportunities. Our aim is to nurture these people into full-time employment.

ESG 2024

Our commitments for 2024 and beyond.

Net Zero Commitment

We’ve committed to be Net-Zero by 2030

Carbon Footprint

Reducing unnecessary office space by downsizing our estate

Zero Land Fill Waste

Zero land fill waste from our locations by December 2024.

SBTI Commitment

To stand by the net zero commitment, we’re signing up for the Science Based Targeting Initiative (SBTI) that will independently audit our carbon reduction performance, report on it and make it available for public viewing.

Social Support

Calico Youth Hub – our Recruitment Team is planning to run mentoring sessions for 18 – 21-year-olds after seeing that Burnley has nearly double the amount of the national average for unemployed youths.

Charity Support

We’re in the process of partnering with a new charity that is aimed at supporting disadvantaged youth. The support will include mentoring, career guidance, building confidence, interviewing techniques, and career opportunities.

ESG 2023

Commitments achieved in 2023.

Travel Reduction

Our hybrid working policy is saving many unnecessary travel miles.

Social Support

Our canteen at our Nelson HQ continues to provide over 200 free meals per week to the local community and those in need.


We adopted the circular economy in 2023, which includes re-used (pre-leased) company vehicles, mobile phones, and selected CPE equipment at customer sites.

Electric Vehicles

The next phase of the transition of company vehicles to fully electric began in 2023 with us aiming to replace hybrid cars with pre-used full electric vehicles.

Solar Panels

The installation of 447 solar panels at our Nelson office started in November 2023, the 124 KhW system will meet 30% of the current demand at Nelson and will produce 172.42 MWh of electricity, of which 97% will be consumed internally and 3% put into the national grid. The CO2 emissions saved equate to 33.34 tons, the equivalent of planting 1,531 trees.

Social Support

Our Recruitment Team worked with the North Lancs Training Group (NLTG) on their SWAP Course throughout 2023. The course is designed to help people get back into work and to also build confidence whilst working on interview skills, customer service skills, and many other transferable skills. The aim is for candidates to have a great experience and ultimately gain employment with Daisy, but at the very least, give them more confidence going forward.

Social Support

We have a long history of training and developing our staff and the apprenticeship scheme has seen many new and current employees benefiting from this. In 2023, we had 13 staff going through the apprenticeship scheme.

Social Support

We adopted T-Levels offering students a mixture of classroom-based learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience. They are designed in collaboration with employers, are the equivalent to A Levels, and include an exciting 45-day industry placement in a student’s chosen sector.

ESG 2021-2022

Commitments achieved in 2021-2022.

2022 Recycling

We partnered with Multi-Message, a company that recycles customer legacy PBXs and IT equipment that are being replaced with hosted solutions, this is another way of assisting our customers in reducing their energy consumption and ensuring their old equipment is recycled.

2021 Recycling

We introduced 100% recyclable material for all deliveries to customers, including mobile handsets, CPE equipment, and laptops. We also partnered with a local recycling company, Re-Cycle-IT, to reach an agreement to send all redundant Daisy IT-related equipment to them for recycling.

ESG 2020

Commitments achieved in 2020.

Company Cars

We began transitioning from a full diesel company car fleet to petrol hybrids. Completion was achieved in 2021.

MS Teams Introduction

We adopted video conferencing, dramatically changing the way we work as there’s much less traveling.

Social Support

We began providing 600 free meals a week to local people in need during Covid.

Charity Support

We supported and got involved with charities such as the Prince’s Trust, Pendle Hospice, and Pendle Dogs Home.

Charity Support

We donated legacy IT equipment to local charities in support of education from home.

Covid Support

We helped our customers to source the latest video conferencing software and IT equipment to continue operating and reducing the need for them to travel.

ESG 2010

Commitments achieved in 2019.

Sustainable Energy

We changed to 100% sustainable energy for electricity usage.

Energy Reduction

We audited the data room and decommissioned several legacy servers to further reduce the electricity consumption at the Head Office in Nelson.

Single Use Plastic

Elimination of single-use plastic at Nelson, Prudhoe, and Basildon.

ESG 2018

Commitments achieved in 2018.

LED Lighting

We replaced lighting systems in the offices at Nelson, Prudhoe and Basildon. The legacy fluorescent lighting was replaced with the latest LED lighting technology and motion sensors.


We adopted the full recycling of office waste at Nelson, Prudhoe and Basildon.

Customer Reviews