VoIP Support Video – Change Hold Music

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VoIP: Change Hold Music

Video Transcript:

In this tutorial we’ll be covering music on hold and how to change the audio. So this particular feature is under “Site Management”.

*Click on the “Site Management” tab*

Select “Manage” against the relevant site and the “Music On Hold” feature is here in the centre. Click the blue button. So it’s split into three sections. You have settings at the top and then you can dictate to the cloud platform whether you want the hold music to be different in comparison to external calls or internal calls. So here at the top you can tick when you want the hold music to played so you can play it for when an operator places a call on hold, when the call park feature is being utilised or when someone is waiting to be answered.

So in this scenario, I’m going to tick all three and I’m just going to click “Save” for the moment. So the tickboxes have been amended and I’ve got the confirmation banner at the top letting me know that’s been done.

So at the moment we have a custom audio file for external calls, it’s called “Existing Hold Music 2020” and it has to be in a particular format. The format is “.wavulaw”. So that’s “.wavulaw”.

So hold music has to be uploaded as a custom audio file, there isn’t a drop down to select certain pre-made audio files, you have to upload custom one so you have to ensure that there’s the relevant permissions for this file, that it doesn’t breach any Copyright and if you need to acquire a PRS licence please do so.

We’re going to leave the internal calls here the bottom using the default hold music.

So I’m going to change this file here to a 2021 version. So click “Change” and then click “Browse”.

I’m just going to navigate within my PC where that new audio file is. So once you selected it, click “Save” and you’ll know the file has taken effect as it has the new name here and it’s told me again that my settings have been amended successfully.