VoIP Support Video – How to Program Bank Holiday Dates

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VoIP: Program Bank Holiday Dates

Video Transcript:

Hello and welcome to a quick tutorial – how to add Bank Holiday dates into Gamma Horizon.

Once you’ve logged into your Gamma Horizon admin portal you’ll need to navigate to “Call Groups” and then “Hunt Group”.

You’ll typically see a list of all of the Hunt Groups on your account and the one you’ll be looking for is the one labelled Bank Holiday. It will normally have a telephone number, normally your mainline number of the premises listed here and you’ll want to click “Edit” on the right-hand side.

Go all the way to the right where it says “Advanced Settings”, single click.

You will see four options here and you’ll want to click “Edit” against the one which says “Schedule”. Scroll all the way down to the bottom where you have “Closed Hours” and have a drop-down called “Bank Holidays” and you’ll see a little Pencil Icon, single click that.

This will detail all of the Bank Holiday dates which are currently programmed on your account. So to acquire a list, click “Events”. This will list all of the existing Bank Holiday dates on the Gamma Horizon account. For example, if I wanted to add Christmas 2020, I’ll click “Add” at the bottom, give it a [name]. It’s going to be an all-day event so leave that ticked. The start date of course is going to be the 25th of December, and the end date is going to be the same. Click “Create”. You’ll see that listed at the bottom.

If you wanted to remove said date, single click the tick boxclick “Delete”, and then click “Confirm”.

If you wanted to add more than one Bank Holiday date consecutively, for example Christmas and Boxing Day, click “Add”give it an appropriate name, and then we’re going to go over to the 28th of December for 2020. Click “Create” and similar to the original example it will add it at the bottom.

And there you have it, you have added Bank Holiday dates into your Gamma Horizon account – this would allow for calls to reach a Bank Holiday message instead of following normal routing.