
A comprehensive guide on navigating the PSTN Switch Off and beyond

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As the nation travels away from outdated analogue technology like copper phone lines and 3G networks, we all need to explore how to keep moving forward in this advancing digital age.

At Daisy Communications, it is our mission to keep Britain working, so we’ve pulled together the latest updates and insights into the main changes that are going to challenge UK businesses over the next few years – with support and advice on how to navigate them.

Whether your business is beginning its journey with future-proof connectivity or you are already thinking about smarter solutions for your offices, we have created the perfect road map to guide your business through every step on your way to being All IP ready. Click the map below to explore each leg of the journey.

Journey to All IP Road Map

All IP Route

Future-proof Connectivity

Future-proof Connectivity

Journey to Future-proof Connectivity

Find out which broadband solutions are retiring and their All IP replacements.

Start your journey here

Future-proof Connectivity

Modern Communications

Journey to Modern Communications

The PSTN Switch Off is an opportunity to supercharge your communications.

Start your journey here

Future-proof Connectivity

Smarter Solutions

Journey to Smarter Solutions

Say hello to the IoT (Internet of Things) and find out how it can benefit your business.

Start your journey here

Future-proof Connectivity

Microsoft Cloud

Journey to Microsoft Cloud

Explore Microsoft’s cybersecurity products and discover the benefits of unified communications.

Start your journey here

Not sure where to start?

Take our quiz to better understand where your business is on its journey to All IP

Jargon Buster

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

The traditional landline phone network that uses copper wires to transmit voice calls, allowing people to make and receive phone calls to one another.

PSTN Switch Off

Refers to the process of phasing out of the traditional telephone network and transitioning to newer technologies like internet-based communication, leading to the discontinuation of copper-based phone services by the end of 2025.

Stop Sell

Refers to a point in time when telecommunication providers will no longer be accepting new orders, be able to make changes to, or upgrade any copper-based products. In this instance, we are referring to the national stop sell on September 5, 2023.

All Internet Protocol (IP)

Modern communication system where voice, data, and other types of information are transmitted over IP networks, eliminating the need for separate networks for different types of communication.

Benefits of All IP Solutions


Being business flexible

We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach to business. Our All IP broadband solutions have been developed to offer flexibility in price as well as product flexibility designed to scale up as you do. Whatever your business requires, we will find the best connectivity solution for you.


Nurturing customer loyalty

Rising costs, inflation and years of uncertainty have had a drastic impact on loyalty, making customer experience a key differentiator. Modernising your contact channels with a cloud-based phone solution is a great investment for long-term returns and will transform your customer service capabilities.


Embracing the future

Innovation should be big and bold and brilliant – but it doesn’t have to bankrupt you. With the Internet of Things (IoT) you can empower physical objects with technology to connect with other devices to improve performance and open a world of possibility. To improve your business efficiency this is where to get started.


Empowering employees

It’s becoming crucial that your business embraces hybrid working to retain and recruit the best people. With Microsoft services and the right set up, your teams can access data from any device, anywhere, at any time. We can also help you manage your services – freeing you up to focus on your business.


Staying connected

Advancements in technology have liberated businesses to move more freely, never tying you to one physical location. But you need to embrace mobile technology to its fullest to be truly reachable. Adopting mobile will make you effortlessly adaptable in the face of changing business, industry and customer needs.

Speak to an expert today

We’ll answer any questions you may have and can help tailor a solution to your business.

All IP Magazine

Journey to All IP Magazine

A comprehensive guide on navigating the PSTN Switch Off and beyond.

Why Daisy

The UK’s largest independent provider of voice, connectivity, mobile, phone system and cloud services.


We pride ourselves on our friendly UK-based customer service.


From small beginnings, we’ve now got over 20 years experience.


We look after c. 175,000 businesses across the UK.


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