Could Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) be the simple answer to elevated customer service?

Well, in today’s ever-turbulent customer climate, businesses can’t rely on talent and commitment alone to get their customer service right. Customers will stop at nothing to get the choice, convenience and speed they expect from businesses, even if that means jumping from competitor to competitor until they find the right fit.

For small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with limited resource, the pressure on customer service can be a daunting prospect. However, by embracing solutions like Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS), businesses can effortlessly maximise their budget and team potential to go beyond expectations.

In this short starter guide, we’ll be covering the basics every SMB should know about CCaaS solutions, including what this technology is, how it can strengthen customer service strategies and how to know if you actually need one. Let’s get started.

An SMB-friendly guide to CCaaS

What is CCaaS?

Contact centre as a Service (CCaaS), otherwise known as a cloud contact centre solution, is a web-based platform connecting businesses with a range of flexible tools to enhance the delivery and management of customer service activities.

With the help of these rich platforms, businesses can streamline inbound and outbound customer communications across channels like voice, email, webchat and even social media, into one centralised database for a seamless customer experience.

What are common features and how can they benefit your customer service strategy?

For resource-constrained SMBs, CCaaS solutions can present a valuable opportunity in maximising even the smallest budgets and manpower. This makes them an essential addition for any business aiming to keep up with the ever-evolving customer climate.

With support of its powerful catalogue of features, businesses can expect to achieve improved customer satisfaction and revenue retention, without experiencing overwhelmed communication channels and overworked employees.

Its key features include:

Feature 1:

Omnichannel communications

Omnichannel customer experiences are at the core of what CCaaS solutions stand for.

This feature houses all activity across your key communication channels in one simple and easily accessible platform, so your employees are always a step ahead of your customers.

This means your service teams can:

  1. Bring context to customer conversations,
  2. Offer highly personalised interactions,
  3. Highlight repurchase or upsell opportunities,
  4. And even proactively identify and chase unresolved issues.

By having quick and easy access to customer notes and historic interaction activity, your customer service becomes more efficient, proactive and personalised.

Feature 2:

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

ACD is a contact centre tool that enables businesses to automatically route incoming calls and other interactions to the front of the queue, or to the most appropriate agent, based on pre-defined criteria.

There are multiple strategies that businesses can employ with this call routing feature. With ACD, you could offer priority customers instant service, which we call VIP routing. Or you could even use it to route specific queries to the employees or departments best equipped to resolve them on first touch (skills-based routing).

With a feature like this, SMBs can nurture important customer relationships, improve first contact resolution rates and even prevent customer churn without any agent or management intervention.

Feature 3:

Live data and reporting

CCaaS solutions provide businesses with access to comprehensive reports and live data to track key performance metrics, including customer satisfaction scores, average call handling times, wait times, call abandonment rates and much more.

Powered with rich insights, businesses can create and refine data-driven experiences, using results to adapt call flows and other automations to real-time needs so your customers receive the best level of service and your employees are always able to cope with customer traffic. Most importantly, this data can provide key insights into the successes and pitfalls of your customer service strategy and team performance so you identify bottlenecks and assign training opportunities that have a notable impact.

CCaaS connects businesses with a wealth of customisable features and functions to elevate the customer experience effortlessly, while unlocking full team potential.

For more information on contact centre features, read our datasheet here.

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How do I know if my business needs a contact centre solution?

Contrary to popular belief, CCaaS solutions are suitable for businesses of all sizes and can even accommodate as few as one user.

These tools are generally seen as being beneficial to businesses or teams that:

  • Utilise one or more communication channel to interact with customers,
  • Struggle to track interactions that span across platforms,
  • Rely on their phone service to take bookings, make sales or provide support,
  • And / or experience high inbound call volumes that can, or do, become unmanageable.

In light of this, contact centre solutions make a great fit for industries that require a closer or more attentive level of support like Healthcare practices, Housing associations, Education providers and Professional Services businesses.

However, a general rule of thumb is that these tools are perfectly suited to any business simply looking to improve their customer service strategy and access to support.

Given that you’ve already taken a pivotal step towards improved customer service, it’s likely your business too, is a fitting candidate for CCaaS.

Considering CCaaS for your business?

Elevate your customer service strategy effortlessly with DHV Contact.

Our contact centre software has been expertly designed to support customer-crazy SMBs in simplifying the delivery of star-worthy customer experiences.

As an independent business, we at Daisy Communications believe that superior customer service shouldn’t be exclusive to the biggest teams and budgets. With a proud 4.5 Trustpilot rating and over 20 years serving UK businesses, we’re equipped with the experience and specialism required to support you in your journey to elevated customer communications.

Make the right call for your business with DHV Contact

Download the datasheet to discover our contact centre solution or complete our short form to arrange a consultation with a specialist.