Commsoft Support Video: Run and Schedule Reports

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Video Transcript:

To generate a report on your CommSoft Compact Call Recorder, select the Report tab at the top of the screen. Double-click the report you wish to run, in this case, Calls by Extension – Summary. Specify the time and date which the report covers, and if you need to specify a single extension, select Filters.

Then select Individual Extensions. Then press the Binocular icon and find the extension that you want to specify. To view the report, press the Print To Screen button. If you need to save a copy of the report, you can either save it by selecting the Floppy Disk icon and saving it to your PC.

And if you need to email a copy, press the envelope icon. If you’d like to bookmark a report, you can select the report and press the Add to Favourites button. The report then appears in your Favourite Reports section. If you’re unsure what the report does, you can take a quick look by pressing the Demo button on the right-hand side.