Daisy Communications has been Keeping Britain Working throughout the pandemic, whether that’s been from a workplace, hybrid working or working from home,  and continues to help businesses across the UK collaborate, communicate and connect.

Benefits of hybrid working

Hybrid working refers to a work arrangement where employees split their time between working remotely and working from a physical office location. This combines the flexibility of remote work with the benefits of in-person collaboration and interaction and allows employees to enjoy a better work-life balance. Benefits include reduced commute times, and increased autonomy over their schedules while still maintaining opportunities for face-to-face collaboration, team building, and access to office resources. Employers benefit from increased employee satisfaction and productivity, as well as potential cost savings associated with reduced office space requirements.

We understand the shift towards a hybrid or home working scenario, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses adapt to changing work dynamics and leverage technology to support flexible work arrangements. With brighter days ahead, this whitepaper highlights the impact COVID-19 has had on businesses and what the future holds as we all begin to build a better Britain.

TalkTalk Business research

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything, almost overnight. TalkTalk Business wanted to understand this and the impact on the nation’s ability to adapt to the mass shift to hybrid or homeworking.

They commissioned independent consultancy Quadrangle to investigate changes in the levels of homeworking and what this meant for businesses and connectivity providers. They broadly looked at:

  • The experiences of businesses and their employees in recent months.
  • Future home connectivity needs.
  • Opportunities to develop new broadband-based services to help enable more effective homeworking practices.

Hybrid working whitepaper

Take an in-depth look at the research and discover how allowing hybrid or home-working in your business could change your future.